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Net Metering – Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh

No. JERC-JKL/Tech-__/2022. — Whereas, in exercise of powers conferred under Section 61(h), and Section 86(1) (e) read with sub-section (I) and clause (zd) and (zi) of sub-section (2) of Section 181 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (No. 36 of 2003) and all powers enabling it in that behalf, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh hereby makes the following Regulations, namely:

Short Title, Commencement and extent

  1. These Regulations may be called the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh (Grid Interactive Renewable Energy system and its related matters) Regulations, 2022.
    1. These Regulations shall come into force from the date of publication in the official gazette.
  1. These Regulations shall extend to the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh.
Definitions, Abbreviations and Interpretations
  • In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:
  • “Act” means the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003), and subsequent amendments thereof;
  • “Average Power Purchase Cost” (APPC) means the weighted average price at which the Distribution Licensee has purchased or is expected to purchase electricity (excluding procurement from RE sources), including the cost of self-generation, if any, as approved by the Commission in the relevant Retail Supply Tariff Order or any other general or specific Order;
    • “Authority” means the Central Electricity Authority referred to in sub-section (1) of Section 70 ofthe Act;
    • “Billing cycle” means the period for which regular electricity bills as specified by the Commission,are prepared for different categories of consumers by the Licensee;
    • “COD” or “Commercial Operation Date” or “Date of commercial operation” mean the date onwhich Renewable Energy system is synchronized with the grid system;
  • “Check Meter” means a meter, which shall be connected to the same core of the current transformer (CT) and voltage transformer (VT) to which Renewable Energy Meter is connected and shall be used foraccounting and billing of electricity in case of failure of main meter or Renewable Energy Meter;
    • Commission” means the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and UT of Ladakh constituted under the Act;
    • Connection Agreement” means the Gross metering or net- billing (net feed-in) or net- metering inter-connection Agreement entered into between the Distribution Licensee and the Consumer;
    • Consumer” means a consumer as defined in the Act;
  • “Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum (CGRF)” means the forum for redressal of grievance of Consumers, established under section 42(5) of the Act;
    • “Contracted Load” or “Contract Demand” means the maximum demand in kW, kVA or HP, agreed to be supplied by the Distribution Licensee and as indicated in the Agreement executed between the Licensee and the Consumer;
    • “Distribution Licensee” means a person granted a License under Section 14 (b) of the Act authorizing him to operate and maintain a distribution system and supply electricity to the consumersin his area of supply;
    • “Electricity Supply Code” means the Electricity Supply code specified by the Commission under section 50 of the Act;
    • “Eligible Consumer” means a consumer of electricity in the area of supply of the Distribution Licensee, who intends to use a renewable energy system in his premises to offset all or part or no part of the own ’s electrical requirements, given that such systems can be self-owned or third party leasing such system to the consumer;
    • “Feed-in-Tariff” means the Generic Tariff determined by the Commission for generation of electricity from Renewable Energy projects for Gross Metering or net-billing in accordance with Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources Regulation framed by the Commission;
    • Grid” means the low voltage electrical network, the distribution and transmission network or the high voltage backbone system of inter-connected transmission lines, sub-stations and generating plants for sale of energy or wheeling of energy as defined in these Regulations;
    • Gross-metering” means a mechanism whereby the total energy generated from Grid Interactive Renewable Energy system of a Prosumer and the total energy consumed by the Prosumer are accounted separately through appropriate metering arrangements and for the billing purpose; whereas, the total energy consumed by the Prosumer is accounted at the applicable retail tariff and total renewable energy generated is accounted for at feed-in tariff determined by the Commission.
  • Installed Capacity” means the summation of the name plate capacities expressed in kWp of all the units of the Renewable Energy system or the capacity of the Renewable Energy system reckoned at the output terminals, approved by the Commission;
    • Interconnection Point for net billing / net metering arrangement” means interface of Renewable Energy generating system with the outgoing terminal of the meter in the premises of the prosumer:

Provided that, in case prosumer is connected at the High Tension (HT) level, the “Interconnection Point” shall mean the interface of the Renewable Energy Generating System with the outgoing terminal of the Distribution Licensees’ metering equipment.

  • Interconnection Point for Gross metering arrangement” means the interface of the Renewable Energy Generating System with the incoming terminal of the meter in the premises of the prosumer: Provided that, in case prosumer is connected at the High Tension (HT) level, the “Interconnection Point” shall mean the interface of the Renewable Energy Generating System;
    • “Invoice” means a periodical Bill/Supplementary Bill or an Invoice/ Supplementary Invoice by the Distribution Licensee to the Consumer;
    • “Islanding” means an electrical system phenomenon in which distributed generators, powered through Renewable Energy System, continue to power a site or location in the absence of external grid power or grid outage situations.
    • “Month” means English calendar month starting with 1st day/date of the month and ending with last day/date of the month. Part  Month  will be applicable for  number  of days in proportion to totalnumber of days in the specific month;
    • “Net-billing or net feed-in” means a single bidirectional energy meter used for net-billing or net feed-in at the point of supply wherein the energy imported from the Grid and energy exported from Grid Interactive Renewable Energy system of a Prosumer are valued at two different tariffs, where-
      • the monetary value of the imported energy is based on the applicable retail tariff;
  • the monetary value of the exported Renewable energy is based on feed-in tariff determined by the Commission;
    • the monetary value of the exported energy is deducted from the monetary value of the imported energy to arrive at the net amount to be billed (or credited / carried- over);
    • “Net metering” means a mechanism whereby renewable energy exported to the grid from Grid Interactive Renewable Energy system of a Prosumer is deducted from energy imported from the Grid in units (kWh) to arrive at the net imported or exported energy and the net energy import or export is billed or credited or carried-over by the distribution licensee on the basis of the applicable retail tariff by using a single bidirectional energy meter for net-metering at the point of supply;
  • “Net Meter” means an appropriate bi-directional energy meter capable of recording both import from the grid and export of electricity generated at Renewable Energy system;
    • “Obligated Entity” means the licensed Supplier of Power, Distribution Licensee(s), Captive user(s) and Open Access Consumer(s), identified under Procurement of Renewable Energy Regulations framed by the Commission; and mandated under clause (e) of sub section (1) of Section 86 of the Act to fulfil the Renewable Purchase Obligations as determined by the Commission from time to time;
    • “Ombudsman” means the person appointed in accordance with Section 42 (6) read with Section 181of the Act;
    • “Open Access Consumer” means a person permitted to use Intra-State Transmission System and / or Distribution System to receive supply of electricity from a person other than the Distribution Licensee of his area of supply, and the expression includes a Generating Company and a Licensee, who has availed of or intends to avail of Open Access;
    • Project Developer” means the developer of the RE are Project, who shall develop such a project on hisown premises or on premises taken on lease or rent;
    • Prosumer” means a person who consumes electricity from grid and can also inject electricity into the grid for distribution licensee, using same point of supply.
    • “Premises” means and includes roof-tops or any areas on the land, building or infrastructure or part or combination thereof in respect of which a separate meter or metering arrangement has been provided by the distribution licensee for supply of electricity.
    • “Renewable Energy’’ means the grid connected and grid quality electricity generated from Renewable Energy sources, including a combination of such sources;
    • “Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)” means the certificate issued in accordance with the Regulations and the procedures approved by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission;
    • “Renewable Energy Generating System” means the Renewable Energy power system with or without energy storage installed on a Consumer’s premises, and owned and/or operated by such Consumer or a third party, that uses Renewable Energy for conversion into electricity;
    • “Renewable Energy Meter” means the meter used for measuring the gross Renewable energy units generated bythe RE Project for the purpose of accounting and billing;
    • “Renewable Energy sources” means the renewable sources or combination of such sources, such as Mini, Micro and Small Hydro, Wind, Solar, Biomass including bagasse, bio-fuel, urban or Municipal Solid Waste as defined in the Terms and Conditions for Tariff Determination from Renewable Energy Sources regulation framed by the Commission and such other sources as are recognized or approved by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India;
  • “Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO)” means renewable power purchase obligations specified by the Commission;
    • “Sanctioned Load” means the load in kW, kVA or HP, which the Licensee has agreed to supply from time to time subject to the governing terms and conditions in the absence of an Agreement between the Distribution Licensee and the consumer;
    • “Settlement Period” means the period beginning from first day of April as per the English calendar year and ending with the thirty first day of March of the next year;
    • “Solar Grid Inverter” means equipment that converts the DC (direct current) power from Solar Power modules to Grid-compatible AC (alternating current) power;
    • “State Nodal Agency” means the agency in the concerned State or Union Territory as may be designated by the Commission to act as the agency for accreditation and recommending the renewable energy projects for registration and to undertake such functions as may be specified under clause (e) of sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Act;
    • “Tariff Order” in respect of a Licensee means the applicable retail Tariff Order issued by the Commission for that Licensee indicating the tariff to be charged by the Licensee from various categories of Consumers for supply of electrical energy and services;
    • “Third Party Owned” means a Renewable Energy system Project owned by a Project Developer that is installed onthe roof or the Premises as defined in 1(29) above for which a commercial lease or revenue share agreement has been entered into by the Project Developer with the owner;
    • “Year” or “Financial Year” means a period commencing on 1st April of an English calendar year and ending on 31st March of the subsequent calendar year.
  • Abbreviations: In these Regulations the following shall be interpreted as:
  1. “EPC” means Engineering Procurement & Construction Contractor authorized by the DistributionLicensee;
  1. “kWp” means kilo Watt peak, term used as a rating of the Solar Plant;
  1. MNRE” means the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy of Government of India;
  • All other words and expressions used in these Regulations if not specifically defined herein above, but defined in the Act, shall have the meaning assigned to them in the Act. The other words and expressions used herein but not specifically defined in these Regulations or in the Act but defined under any other law passed by the Parliament applicable to the electricity industry in the State or Union Territory shall have the meaning assigned to them in such law.
Scope of Regulations and Extent of Application
  • These Regulations would apply to:
  1. Gross Metering Arrangements
  • Net Billing (net feed-in) Arrangements
  • Net – Metering arrangements

Provided that the gross metering or net-billing or net – metering arrangement, as the case may be for the eligible consumers shall be allowed subject to technical feasibility.

  • These Regulations shall be applicable to all Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy generating systems that are commissioned after notification of these Regulations.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The Eligible Consumer of all categories may set up the Renewable Energy Generating System under the Net Metering Arrangement up to 500 kW capacity.
  • The Eligible Consumer of all categories may set up the Renewable Energy Generating System under the Net-Billing Arrangement above 500kW and maximum up to 1 MW.
  • The Eligible Consumer of all categories may set up the Renewable Energy Generating System under the Gross Metering Arrangement maximum up to 1 MW.
  • Provided that the eligible consumer can opt for only one arrangement i.e., either net metering or net-billing or gross metering arrangement within the same premises, as specified in these Regulations.
  • The minimum size of the Renewable Energy Generating System that can be set up under Net Metering or Net-Billing or Gross Metering Arrangement would be 1 kW.
  • The capacity of the Renewable Energy Generating System to be installed under Net Metering or Net-Billing or Gross Metering Arrangement at the Eligible Consumer’s premises shall not exceed the Sanctioned load (in kW) or the Contract Demand (in kVA) of the Consumer, as applicable.
  • Consumers with pending arrears with the Distribution Licensee shall not be eligible for Net Metering or Net Billing or Gross Metering Arrangement under these Regulations.
  • Net Metering or Net-Billing or Gross Metering arrangement, as the case may be, shall be permitted by the Distribution Licensee on a non-discriminatory and Distribution Transformer-wise ‘first come, first serve’ basis to the Eligible Consumers who have installed or intend to install a Renewable Energy Generating System connected to the Network of such Distribution Licensee;

Provided that the inter-connection of such System with the Network of the Distribution Licensee is undertaken in accordance with the standards and norms specified in the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) (Technical Standard for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013 or as may be specified in future.

Third Party Owned Renewable Energy System
  • In the third party owned Renewable Energy system, the following conditions shall apply:
  1. The Consumer may lease out / rent the Rooftop Space to a Project Developer on a mutual commercial arrangement for setting up Renewable Energy system under Net Metering or Net Billing or Gross Metering framework. The Consumer will pay the Project Developer for all the energy generated by the Renewable Energy system at a mutually agreed tariff. The commercial arrangement between the Project Developer and the Prosumer will be submitted to the Distribution Licensee for records and the Distribution Licensee will not have any role in such commercial arrangement. All the provisions of Net Metering or Net Billing or Gross Metering framework shall be applicable for Renewable Energy system set up by a Project Developer.
  • Such RE Projects set up under these Regulations shall be exempted from Open Access restrictions and associated charges including losses.
  • The Distribution Licensee / Nodal Agency may explore other business models that may facilitate the proliferation of Grid connected Renewable Energy system. For any new business model not envisaged in these Regulations, the Commission will approve the framework for such business model based on the specific Petition to be filed in this regard.
Capacity limits at Distribution Transformer level.
  • The Distribution Licensee shall allow Gross Metering / Net Billing / Net Metering Arrangement as the case may be, to Eligible Consumers as specified in these Regulations.
  • The cumulative capacity of all Renewable Energy Generating Systems under Net Metering Arrangements and/or Net Billing Arrangements connected to a particular Distribution Transformer/feeder of the Licensee shall not exceed 70% of its rated capacity.
  • The Distribution Licensee shall update on a yearly basis for each of the Distribution Transformers, the Distribution Transformer capacity available for connecting the Renewable Energy system and shall provide the information on its website, as well as to the Commission.
  • A Distribution Licensee must monitor the capacity limit of DT in regular basis and shall refuse to connect the new RE system connection or arrangement once DT capacity reaches 70% of its rated capacity.
Metering Arrangement
  • The metering system shall be as per the Central Electricity Authority (Installation & Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.
    • All meters shall have Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) facility with RS 485 (or higher) communication port or any other advance communication facility.
    • Net Meter of the same accuracy class as the Consumer’s meter existing before the commissioning of the Renewable Energy system, shall be installed in replacement of existing meter:

Provided that, if the prosumer is within the ambit of Time-of-Day (‘ToD’) Tariff, the Net Meter installed shall be capable of recording ToD consumption and generation:

Provided further that such Meters may be provided by the Distribution Licensee or the Consumer, subject to the same being from the approved list of the suppliers:

Provided also that if the Meter is installed by the Distribution Licensee, its cost shall be recovered from the Consumer before the COD of the Project.

  • The Renewable Energy Meter (a unidirectional meter) is to be installed as an integral part of the Net Metering or Net Billing or Gross Metering arrangement as the case may be, at the point at which the electricity is generated by the Renewable Energy system and delivered to the main panel. The Renewable Energy Meter shall have facility for recording meter readings using Meter Reading Instrument (MRI) or wireless equipment.
    • Check Meters shall be mandatory for Renewable Energy system having capacity more than 20 kW. For installations having capacity less than or equal to 20 kW, the Check Meters would be optional:

Provided that the cost of Check Meter shall be borne by the Consumer, and such meter shall be tested and installed by the Distribution Licensee.

  • The Distribution Licensee shall be responsible for installation, testing and maintenance of the metering equipment/system and its adherence to the applicable standards and specifications.
    • The Meters installed, if arranged by the Consumer, shall be inspected, verified for the accuracy and sealed by the Distribution Licensee in the presence of the Consumer or its representative (if he chooses to be present at the time of testing).
    • The meters installed shall be jointly inspected and sealed on behalf of both the parties and shall be tested or checked only in the presence of the consumer and representatives of the Distribution licensee:

Provided that the prosumer shall follow the metering specifications, and provisions for placement of meter as provided by the Distribution licensee from time to time.

  • The meter reading taken by the distribution licensee shall form the basis of commercial settlement.
Inter-connection with the Distribution Network, Standards and Safety
  • The Distribution Licensee shall ensure that the inter-connection of the Renewable Energy system with its distribution network conforms to the specifications, standards and other provisions specified in the CEA (Technical Standard for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013, CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 including amendments thereto, the CEA (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply), Regulations, 2010 including amendments thereto and the Electricity Supply Code Regulations and the state grid code regulations framed by the Commission .
    • Renewable Energy generation with Net metering or Net Billing or Gross Metering arrangement will be allowed for all the eligible Consumers of the Distribution Licensee under the jurisdiction of the Commission with/without battery back-up support:

Provided that, if an Eligible Consumer opts for connectivity with a battery back-up, the inverter shall have a separate back-up wiring to prevent the battery/ decentralized generation (DG) power from flowing into the grid in the absence of grid supply, and that an automatic as well as manual isolation switch shall also be provided.

Provided further that the Inverter shall comply with the Standards prescribed in Annexure

  • The prosumer shall be responsible for the safe operation, maintenance and rectification of any defect in the Renewable Energy system up to the point of Net Meter, beyond which point such responsibility, including in respect of the Net Meter, shall be that of the Distribution Licensee:

Provided that the Renewable Energy Meter shall be maintained by the Distribution Licensee.

  • The prosumer shall provide appropriate protection for islanding of the Renewable Energy system from the network of the Distribution Licensee in the event of grid or supply failure.
    • The prosumer shall be solely responsible for any accident to human being/ animals whatsoever (fatal/non- fatal/departmental/non-departmental) that may occur due to back feeding from the Renewable Energy system when the grid supply is off:

Provided that the Distribution Licensee shall have the right to disconnect the Renewable Energy system from its distribution network at any time in the event of any threat of accident or damage from such Project to its distribution system, for maintenance of distribution system so as to avoid any accident or damage to it:

Provided further that the prosumer may use his Renewable Energy system in islanding mode for his own consumption.

  • The Distribution Licensee and prosumer shall discharge their respective duties and responsibilities as specified in the relevant Regulations of the Central Electricity Authority.
    • HT Consumers opting for Net Metering shall not be required to provide separate connectivity for

the Renewable Energy system at HT voltage level for consumption at LT Level.

Communication Facilities
  • All grid interactive Renewable Energy system shall have electricity meters with features to record energy for data storage for injection into the grid through Energy Meter as provided under these Regulations:

Provided that all projects shall have communication port for exchanging real time information with the Distribution Licensee:

Provided further that all Meters shall have Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) facility.

10.          Billing, Energy Accounting and Settlement
  1. Net Metering Arrangement The accounting of electricity exported from the Renewable Energy system and imported from the Grid by the prosumer shall become effective from the date of connectivity of the Renewable Energy system with the distribution network.The Distribution Licensee shall undertake meter reading of both, the Renewable Energy Generation Meter and the Net Meter, for all prosumers, according to the regular billing cycle. For each billing period, the Distribution Licensee shall show separately: –
  1. Quantum of Renewable Energy generation recorded in the Renewable Energy Generation Meter in the billing period, including opening and closing balance
    1. Quantum of electricity Units exported by the prosumer, including opening and closing balance;
    1. Quantum of electricity Units imported by the prosumer, including opening and closing balance;
    1. Net quantum of electricity Units billed for payment by the prosumer; and
    1. Net quantum of electricity Units carried over (if surplus) to the next billing period;
    1. Units from Renewable Energy generation used by the Distribution Licensee for RPO compliance.
    1. The energy generated by the Renewable Energy Generating Station shall be offset against the energy consumption of the consumer from the Distribution Licensee in the following manner:
      1. If the quantum of electricity exported exceeds the quantum imported during the billing period, the excess quantum shall be carried forward to the next billing period as credited Units of electricity;
  1. If the quantum of electricity Units imported by the prosumer during any billing period exceeds the quantum exported, the Distribution Licensee shall raise its bill for the net electricity consumption after adjusting the credited Units as per applicable Tariff Order.
    1. In case the prosumer is within the ambit of Time of Day (ToD) tariff, the electricity consumption inany time block, i.e., peak hours, off-peak hours, etc., shall be first compensated with the quantum of electricity injected in the same time block:

Provided that any excess injection over and above the consumption in any other time block in a billing cycle shall be accounted as if the excess injection had occurred during off-peak hours.

  • The unadjusted net credited Units of electricity as at the end of each financial year shall be considered as units purchased by the Distribution Licensee at Average Power Purchase cost of the concerned Distribution Licensee or Feed-in-Tariff determined for that Year whichever is lower.

Provided that, at the beginning of each Settlement Period, the cumulative quantum of injected electricity carried forward will be re-set to zero.

  • The Distribution Licensee shall compute the amount payable to the prosumer, latest by April 30th of the following year for the unadjusted net credited Units purchased by it during the financial year as specified in Regulation 10.1(e), and shall pay the amount to the eligible consumer by May 31st of the following year.
    • The Distribution licensee in addition to consumer tariff shall be eligible to raise bill for any other charges as allowed by the Commission and any tax/duty/cess imposed by the Government.
    • The consumer whose entitlement as a consumer of the licensees is ceased or he is not settling his dues to the licensee, shall not be entitled to receive due amount of the adjustment/credit.
    • The prosumer shall have recourse, in case of any dispute with the Distribution Licensee regarding billing, to the mechanism specified by the Commission under Sections 42 (5) to (7) of the Act for the redressal of grievances.
Net Billing Arrangement
  1. Net billing is the arrangement where the Renewable Energy Generating system is:
  1. Connected on the consumer side of the net meter,
  1. Selling excess power after meeting own requirement (export of power) to a Distribution Licensee at feed –in tariff approved by the Commission:
  1. Import of power if any from the distribution licensee shall be charged as per applicable Tariff Order.
    1. The Distribution Licensee shall undertake meter reading of both, the Renewable Energy Generation Meter and the Net Meter, as applicable, according to the regular billing cycle.
    1. For each Billing Period, the Distribution Licensee shall make the following information available on its bill to the Eligible Consumer:
      1. Quantum of Renewable Energy generation recorded in the Renewable Energy Generation Meter, including opening and closing balance;
      1. Quantum of electricity units exported to the grid by the prosumer in the billing period, including opening and closing balance;
      1. Quantum of electricity units imported from grid by the prosumer in the billing period, including opening and closing balance;
      1. Amount of billing credit, if any, in the billing period, including opening and closing balance;
      1. Units from Renewable Energy generation used by the Distribution Licensee for RPO compliance.
    1. The Distribution Licensee shall raise net bill as per the billing cycle after accounting for the units exported by the Renewable Power Developer at feed –in tariff approved by the Commission and after accounting for units imported from grid at applicable Tariff Order.
    1. The Distribution Licensee shall raise bill on the prosumer in accordance with the following equation:
Energy Bill of consumer = Fixed Charges + other applicable charges and levies

+ (𝐄𝐃𝐋x 𝐓𝐑𝐒𝐓) – (𝐄𝐑𝐄 * 𝐓𝐏𝐏𝐀) – Billing Credit (Carried forward from last billing cycle);


  1. Fixed Charges means the Fixed/Demand Charges as applicable to the consumer category as per the applicable retail supply Tariff Order;
  2. Other applicable charges and levies mean any other charges such as duty, cess, etc.;
  1. 𝐄𝐃𝐋 means the imported energy units from the Distribution Licensee as recorded by in the bidirectional meter for the billing period;
  2. 𝐓𝐑𝐒𝐓 means the applicable retail supply tariff of the concerned consumer category as

per the applicable Tariff Order of the Commission;

  • 𝐄𝐑𝐄 means the export energy units recorded for the billing period by the bidirectional meter;
  • 𝐓𝐏𝐏𝐀 means the feed –in tariff approved by the Commission as per the Agreement entered between the Consumer and Distribution Licensee, in accordance with Regulation 16;
  • Billing Credit is the amount by which the value of exported Renewable Energy generation in a particular month is more than the value of imported units from the distribution licensee including all other components of consumer bill.
    • In case the consumer is subjected to time-of-day tariffs, energy bill (𝐄𝐃𝐋x 𝐓𝐑𝐒𝐓) shall be computed accordingly.
    • In case (𝐄𝐑𝐄 * 𝐓𝐏𝐏𝐀 ) is more than {Fixed charges + other applicable charges and levies

+ (𝐄𝐃𝐋x 𝐓𝐑𝐒𝐓)}, utility shall give credit of amount equal to difference (Billing Credit), which shall be carried forward to the next billing cycle. No interest shall be payable by Distribution Licensee on such credit amount carried forward.

  • The net bill amount for a billing period, if payable by the prosumer, then the same shall be paid by the prosumer within the due date of the bill.
    • At the end of each Financial Year, any amount payable by Distribution Licensee remaining unadjusted during the financial year shall be paid to the prosumer latest by the end of May of following Financial Year.
    • The consumer whose entitlement as a consumer of the licensees is ceased or he is not settling his dues with the licensee, shall not be entitled to receive due amount of the adjustment/credit.
    • The prosumer shall have recourse, in case of any dispute with the Distribution Licensee regarding billing, to the mechanism specified by the Commission under Sections 42 (5) to (7) of the Act for the redressal of grievances.
Gross Metering Arrangement
  1. The Distribution Licensee shall undertake meter reading of both, the Renewable Energy Generation Meter and the Consumer Meter for all prosumers, according to the regular billing cycle.
  2. For each billing period, the distribution licensee shall make the following information available on its bill to the prosumer:
  3. Quantum of Renewable Energy generation recorded in the Renewable Energy Generation Meter, including opening and closing balance;
  1. Quantum of electricity units consumed from grid by the prosumer in the billing period, including opening and closing balance;
  2. Units from Renewable Energy generation used by the Distribution Licensee for RPO compliance
  3. The energy accounting and settlement procedure for consumers installing and operating Renewable Energy system under gross metering arrangement shall be as per the following procedure:
  4. For each billing period, the Licensee shall show the quantum of electricity injected by Renewable Energy System installed at the premises of the prosumer in the billing period.
  5. The Distribution Licensee shall reimburse the prosumer for the quantum of injected electricity by the Renewable Energy System during the billing period at the Feed-in-Tariff determined by the Commission for that year.

Provided further that, the above Tariff shall be applicable for the entire duration of the Agreement.

  1. For each billing period, the Licensee shall show the quantum of electricity consumed from the grid by the prosumer in the billing period.
  2. The Distribution Licensee shall prepare the bill for energy consumed from the grid as per the Tariff Order approved by the Commission including fixed Charges

/Demand Charges and other applicable charges and levies as applicable to the consumer category as per the applicable Tariff Order;

  • The Distribution licensee shall prepare the net bill according to the amount payable by the licensee to the prosumer and amount payable by the prosumer to the licensee for the energy consumed from the grid.
  • The net amount payable by the licensee or the prosumer, as the case may be, shall be paid within the due date mentioned in the bill.
  • The consumer whose entitlement as a consumer of the licensees is ceased or he is not settling his dues with the licensee, shall not be entitled to receive due amount.
  • The prosumer shall have recourse, in case of any dispute with the Distribution Licensee regarding billing, to the mechanism specified by the Commission under Sections 42(5) to (7) of the Act for the redressal of grievances.
Penalty or Compensation – Failure in Metering System
  1. In case of failure of metering system, the provisions of penalty or compensation shall be as per the provisions of the Standards of Performance for Distribution Licensees Regulations

regulation framed by the Commission for the Distribution Licensee.

  1. In case of failure to meet the timelines prescribed under these Regulations, the distribution licensee shall be liable to pay compensation to the consumer as specified under Regulation
Late Payment Surcharge

In case the payment by the Distribution Licensee under Regulation 10.1 (e) and Regulation 10.2

(i) above, is delayed beyond 31st of May of that year, a Late Payment Surcharge at the rate of 1.25% per month from the delay beyond 31st May shall be levied on the Distribution Licensee.

Charges for Banking of RE Power

The Renewable Energy Projects, whether self-owned or third party owned installed under these Regulations, shall be exempted from charges in respect of banking of electricity.

Renewable Purchase Obligation and Eligibility to Participate under REC Mechanism
  1. The quantum of electricity consumed by the prosumer from the Renewable Energy Project under the Net Metering Arrangement shall qualify towards his compliance of RPO, if such prosumer is an Obligated Entity
    1. The quantum of electricity consumed by the prosumer from the Renewable Energy Project owned and installed under the Net Metering arrangement shall, if such prosumer is not an Obligated Entity, qualify towards meeting the RPO of the Distribution Licensee

Provided that the Distribution Licensee shall, with the consent of the prosumer, make all the necessary arrangements, including for additional metering, as may be required for the accounting of the Renewable Energy generated and consumed by the prosumer.

  1. The unadjusted net credited Units of Renewable Energy purchased by the Distribution Licensee under the provisions of Regulation 10.1 (e) above, shall also qualify towards meeting its RPO.
    1. In case of Net Billing or Gross Metering arrangement, the entire quantum of electricity recorded by the Generation Meter shall qualify towards meeting the RPO of the Distribution Licensee
    1. The Renewable Energy generated by any prosumer under these Regulations shall not be eligible for REC.
Procedure for Application and Registration

15.1. The distribution licensee shall facilitate the process for setting up of Renewable Energy generation system at consumers’ premises. In this regard, the licensee shall:

  1. Create an online portal for receiving applications from consumers for installation, interconnection and metering of distributed Renewable Energy systems or devices , at their premises, and update the same on a regular basis.
  • Prominently display on its website and in all its offices, the following namely: –
  • detailed standardized procedure in details for installation and commissioning of Renewable Energy system under gross metering / net billing/ net metering arrangement;
  • a single point of contact to facilitate the consumers in installation of such Renewable Energy system from submission of application form to commissioning;
  • address and telephone numbers of offices where filled-up application forms can be submitted;
  • complete list of documents required to be furnished along with such applications;
  • applicable charges to be deposited by the applicant;
  • empanelled list of service providers for the benefit of consumers who want to install such Renewable Energy system through service providers; and
  • financial incentives to the consumers, as applicable under various schemes and programmes of the Central and State Governments.
  • The Distribution licensee shall make the form available on its website and through hard copy at its local offices.
  • The consumer of the premises shall submit the application to connect its Renewable Energy system to the distribution system of the licensee in the specified form as Annexure-2 to the Regulation along with processing fee of Rs. 500 (Rupees Five Hundred Only) at the local office of the concerned Distribution licensee or online through Web portal of Distribution Licensees.
  • In case, the application form is submitted in hard copy, it will be received, and acknowledgement with the registration number for that application shall be generated. The same shall be scanned and uploaded on the website as soon as it is received. In case, the application form is received online through web portal of the distribution licensee, the acknowledgement with the registration number shall be generated on submission of application. Application shall be deemed to be received on the date of generation of acknowledgement with registration number; and the application tracking mechanism based on the unique registration number shall be provided by the distribution licensee through web-based application or any other mode to monitor the status of processing of the application like receipt of application, site inspection, meter installation and commissioning etc.
  • Within 20 days, the licensee shall complete the technical feasibility study and shall communicate to the applicant through email/SMS/post, the sanction / rejection of the application, as the case may be, along with the estimated amount to be deposited and the copy of agreement to be executed by the consumer.
  • On receipt of full payment, the Distribution Licensee shall approve the application and intimate the same to the applicant by providing a Letter of Approval (LoA) via email/SMS/post, within thirty (30) days from the issuance of acknowledgement of the application.
  • During the time period from the feasibility study till the completion of installation, in case, there is any requirement of upgradation of distribution infrastructure like augmentation of service line, distribution transformer capacity, etc., for installation of the required capacity of Renewable Energy system, the same shall be carried out by the distribution licensee or consumer, as the case may be.
  • After installation of Renewable Energy system, the prosumer shall submit the installation certificate to the distribution licensee. The licensee shall complete signing of connection agreement, installation of meter and successful commissioning of the Renewable Energy system within thirty days from the date of submission of the installation certificate. Formats of connection agreement and installation certificate shall be placed on web portal of the distribution licensee within the thirty days of notification of these Regulations.
  • The Prosumer shall have the option of purchasing the requisite meter himself which shall be tested and installed by the distribution licensee.
  • The timelines as specified above in these Regulations shall be adhered to by the distribution licensee. In case of delay, the licensee may take approval from the Commission in specific cases along with justification for the same.
  • In case of any delay on the part of distribution licensee without any just cause, the Licensee shall be liable to pay compensation to the consumer at a rate of Rs.500 (Rupees five hundred only) per day for each day of default.
  • The distribution licensee shall pass on the financial incentives to the prosumers, as may be provided under various schemes and programs of the Central and State Governments.
  • In case of any billing dispute, the prosumer may approach to the Electricity Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum of the concerned Distribution licensee.
  1. Connection Agreement

The Distribution Licensee and Eligible Consumer shall enter into a Net Metering or Net Billing or Gross Metering Connection Agreement, as the case may be, after approval of connectivity of the Renewable Energy Generating System with the distribution Network but before the start of actual generation from the System. The model connection agreements for Net Metering, Net Billing and Gross Metering Arrangement is provided as Annexure 3,

Annexure 4 and Annexure 5 respectively.

Power to relax

The Commission may by general or special order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, and after giving an opportunity of hearing to the Parties likely to be affected, relax any of the provisions of these Regulations on its ownmotion or on an application made before it by an interested person.

Power to amend

The Commission may at any time add, vary, alter, suspend, modify, amend or repeal any of the provisions of these Regulations.

Repeal and Savings

Save as otherwise provided in these Regulations, JERC for state of Goa and UTs (Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) Regulations, 2019, together with amendments made from time to time, are hereby repealed:

Provided that for all purposes, including review matters pertaining to the period till notification of these Regulations, the issues relating to Net Metering shall be governed by the provisions of the JERC for state of Goa and UTs (Solar PV Grid Interactive System based on Net Metering) Regulations, 2019, including amendments thereto, as may be applicable.

Power to remove difficulties

In case of any difficulty arising while giving effect to the provisions of these Regulations, the Commission may either Suo-Moto or on a Petition, by an order, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of the Act as may appear to be necessary.

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