Scope and Applicability for Net Metering – Haryana
1. These Regulations shall apply to all the distribution licensee(s) and the eligible Consumers/Prosumers of electricity of distribution licensees within the State of Haryana.
2. The eligible consumer may install the rooftop solar system under a net metering/gross metering arrangement which:
a) shall be within the permissible rated capacity as defined under these Regulations;
b) shall be located in the consumer premises;
c) shall interconnect and operate safely in parallel with the distribution licensee’s Network.
3. Under the RESCO model, a rooftop solar grid interactive system installed on a premises by an eligible consumer of distribution licensee may be self-owned or third-party-owned.
4. The rooftop space available in government organizations, institutions, and buildings can also be provided on lease to independent power producers or RESCO developers for the setting up of rooftop solar systems.
Provided that government organizations/institutions/buildings may also set up rooftop solar systems of permissible capacity as defined under these regulations on their own or through third parties, under net metering or gross metering.
5. The net metering facility shall not be available to consumers drawing power under the open access mechanism.
6. These regulations do not preclude the right of any person or state authorities to undertake rooftop solar projects of capacity above the limit of sanctioned load/contracted demand through an alternative mechanism, i.e., other than a net/gross metering arrangement.
7. If a person applies to the distribution licensee(s) for a new electricity connection in conjunction with a rooftop solar system under net metering/gross metering, the distribution licensee(s) must grant the connection subject to the technical feasibility and admissibility of installing the applied capacity of the rooftop solar system in accordance with these regulations. The said application may only be denied with a Speaking Order.
8. A rooftop solar grid interactive system that has not received technical feasibility approval at the time of notification of these Regulations shall be required to be set up under the provision of these Regulations.
General Principles
1. The distribution licensee shall allow the eligible consumers, the facilities of net metering/gross metering, in its area of supply on a non-discriminatory and first come first served basis.
.2. Any eligible consumer, who intends to discontinue net metering/gross metering arrangement with the distribution licensee shall be allowed, subject to a written notice to the distribution licensee made at least two months in advance. Any excess energy generation remaining unadjusted as on the date of termination of the agreement shall lapse and the same shall not be eligible for any payment or adjustment.
3. Network Augmentation:
a) In case network augmentation is required for LT consumers the cost of network up-gradation/ augmentation/strengthening shall be completely borne by the distribution licensee. The network up-gradation/ augmentation/strengthening work shall be executed by the distribution licensee.
b) In case network augmentation is required for HT consumers the cost of network up-gradation/ augmentation/strengthening shall be borne by the eligible consumer and the distribution licensee in the ratio of 50:50. The network up-gradation/ augmentation/ strengthening work may be executed by the distribution licensee or the HT consumer subject to payment and supervision charges if any as determined by the Commission. However, any upgradation required in metering system and thereafter in consumer premises shall be born by the consumer himself.
4. Capacity Target for Distribution Licensee:
The distribution licensees shall continue to allow roof top solar system to eligible consumers as long as the total capacity (in MW) of rooftop solar systems does not exceed the target capacity determined by the Commission;
Provided a maximum cumulative capacity up to 500 MW, including the RTSS capacity already installed, shall be allowed to the eligible consumers under net metering/gross metering in the State as a whole. This may be reviewed yearly by the Commission Suo-motto or on an application filed by the DISCOM(s) or any other stake holders.
Eligible Consumers and Project Capacity:
1. All consumers of electricity, except AP Consumers, in the area of supply of the distribution licensee shall be eligible to avail net metering/gross metering for establishment of rooftop solar systems on a first- come-first-serve basis subject to technical limitations as specified in these Regulations.
Provided that the consumer shall be eligible to install rooftop solar system of capacity as specified in these regulations.
Provided that the eligible consumer availing gross metering arrangement under these Regulations shall not be allowed to apply for net metering arrangement within the same premises
Provided that the eligible consumer availing net metering arrangement under these Regulations shall not be allowed to apply for gross metering arrangement within the same premises
Provided that the entire power generated from roof top installation shall be injected into the distribution system of the Licensee at the interconnection point if the eligible consumer opts for gross metering.
2. Transformer Loading:
The Distribution Licensee shall provide information on its website regarding capacity available on distribution transformer(s) for feeding the eligible consumer at different locations for connecting rooftop solar PV system within three months from the date of commencement of these Regulations, and shall update the same within one month of the start of the subsequent financial year, under intimation to the Commission.
Provided that the cumulative capacity of rooftop solar systems to be allowed at a particular distribution and power transformer of the distribution/transmission licensee shall not exceed 50% and 30% of the rated capacity of that distribution and power transformer respectively in case of interconnection with the grid at low and high tension or the revised transformer capacity limit as may be determined by the Commission from time to time.
Provided further that in case of multiple applications from consumers fed through a transformer for participation in the scheme, the connectivity with the rooftop solar PV system shall be allowed on first come first serve basis.
3. The maximum rated capacity of rooftop solar system, to be installed by any eligible consumer in his premises, shall not exceed its connected load/sanctioned load in case of Low-Tension connection and contract demand in case of High- Tension connection.
Provided that net metering to the consumer shall be allowed for the loads up to 500 kW or up to sanctioned load/contracted demand, whichever is lower and in case of gross metering for the loads up to sanctioned load/contracted demand of the eligible consumer.
Provided further that minimum rated capacity of rooftop solar system that can be set up under net metering/gross metering arrangement shall not be less than 1 kW.
Provided also that a variation in the rated capacity of the system within a range of five percent shall be allowed with reference to the capacity caps given above
Provided also that distribution licensee shall accept SPV Power as per useful life of SPV System.
In House Roof Top Solar Monitoring Mechanism
1. Every distribution licensee shall put in place in-House Roof Top Solar Monitoring Mechanism, within one month from the date of notification of these Regulations
2. The guidelines for Constitution and functions of such in house Monitoring Mechanism shall be as per the details attached at relevant Annexure of these Regulations.
Interconnection with the Grid — Technical Standards and Safety Aspect
Interconnection with the Grid
1. The voltage level for interconnection with the grid shall be as specified in the Haryana Electricity Supply Code or the voltage level at which an eligible consumer has been given supply by the distribution licensee. The cost of evacuation system and interconnection of roof top solar PV system with the distribution system shall be borne by the eligible consumer.
2. The interconnection of the rooftop solar system with the network of the distribution licensee shall conform to the technical standards for connectivity of distributed generation resources specified under the CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013, and subsequent amendments thereof.
3. The interconnection of the rooftop solar system with the distribution system of the licensee shall also conform to the relevant provisions of the CEA (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply), Regulations, 2010, as amended from time to time.
4. The eligible consumer shall be responsible for safe operation, maintenance and rectification of any defect of the rooftop solar system up to the point of net meter or gross meter, beyond which the responsibility of safe operation, maintenance and rectification of any defect in the system, including the net meter, shall be that of the distribution licensee.
Provided that in case at any point of time, on measurement, the DC content, flicker content or harmonic content in the supply is found to be more than the permitted values as per CEA Regulations, the consumer will immediately disconnect the Solar PV system from the distribution licensee network and will not reconnect till he satisfies, in writing to the designated officers that the said parameters have been brought within the permissible values.
5. The distribution licensee shall have the right to disconnect the rooftop solar system at anytime in the event of threat/damage from such rooftop solar system to its distribution system to prevent any accident or damage, without any notice. The distribution licensee may call upon the consumer to rectify the defect within a reasonable time.
6. The rooftop solar system must be capable of detecting an unintended islanding condition. The system must have anti-islanding protection to prevent any feeding of power into the grid, in case of failure of supply or grid failure. Applicable IEC/IEEE technical standards shall be followed to test islanding prevention measure for grid connected PV inverters.
7. The rooftop solar system must fulfill the technical requirements for grid interconnection with the network of the distribution licensee and it shall be separately grounded/earthed.
8. Any alternate source of supply shall be restricted to the consumer’s network and the consumer shall be responsible to undertake adequate safety measures to prevent battery power/diesel generator power/backup power extending to grid on failure of distribution licensee’s grid supply.
Provided that in case of non-compliance of above guidelines, penalties shall be levied as may be decided by the Commission from time to time.
9. Every rooftop solar system shall be equipped with automatic synchronization device.
Provided that the rooftop solar system using inverter shall not be required to have separate synchronizing device, if the same is inherently built into the inverter.
10. The inverter shall have the features of filtering out harmonics and other distortions before injecting the energy into the system of the distribution licensee. The Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion (THD) shall be within the limits specified in the Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC)/IEEE technical standards.
11. The Technical Standards/Parameters/Regulations mentioned in this Section shall be followed as per the latest applicable/modified/amended versions of the corresponding
Technical Standards for Net Metering – Haryana
All technical and operational aspects of rooftop solar system shall conform to the standard specified in the following Regulations/Codes, wherever applicable, as amended from time to time:
a. The HERC (Haryana Grid Code) Regulations, 2009
b. The HERC (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2014;
c. The CEA (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed Generating Resources) Regulations, 2013;
d. The CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006;
e. The HERC (Standards of Performance o f Distribution Licensee and determination of Compensation) Regulations,2020;
f. The HERC Distribution System Planning and Security Standards and Operating Standards;
g. The CEA (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010; and
h. All other relevant Regulations issued from time to time.
9. Third Party Owned Rooftop Solar PV system based on Net Metering /Gross Metering for Net Metering – Haryana
1. The third party owned rooftop solar PV net metering or gross metering model may consist of the developer or intermediaries leasing out solar PV system to interested rooftop owners. The owner of the premises shall provide the rooftop and engage a turnkey installer to design and install the system. The installers may also offer integrated service of leasing, commissioning and maintenance of Solar PV system to owners and guaranteeing standards of performance.
2. In the third party owned solar PV system, based on net metering, the electricity generated from such plants/system shall be used to meet the eligible consumer’s internal electricity needs up to the capacity allowed under the Regulations and the excess generation shall be fed into the Grid (network of licensee) on Net Metering basis, whereas, in case of gross metering, all the generation shall be fed into the Grid (network of licensee) at the interconnection point.
3. The developer shall continue to be the owner of equipment in third party owned system, to qualify for claiming depreciation on capital cost for the solar PV system with associated direct tax benefits, if any.
Metering in- Haryana
1. The metering system shall be as per CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006, as amended from time to time.
2. The solar meter (unidirectional meter) is required to be installed as an integral part of the net metering system at the point at which the electricity is generated by Solar Energy System and delivered to the main panel of the grid.
3. The net metering equipment (Bi-directional meters), the Solar meter and Gross meter (unidirectional) shall be installed as per CEA Regulations and maintained by the distribution licensee.
Provided that the eligible consumer may procure net meter/solar meter/gross meter as per the technical specification of the distribution licensee and present the same to the distribution licensee for testing and installation as per provisions of the Electricity Supply Code. The location of the meter shall be as per CEA Metering Regulations.
Provided further that for all rooftop solar systems of capacity 20 kW and above, net meter, solar meter as well as gross meter shall be Automated Meter Reading (AMR).
Provided also that it will be mandatory to install adequate communication/data telemetry equipment with the rooftop solar system of capacity 50 kW and above, and share relevant data with the distribution licensee as per the requisite format.
Provided that all the costs related to metering, establishing communication system/data telemetry equipment shall be borne by the eligible consumer.
Provided also that a check meter shall be mandatory for roof top solar PV system of rated capacity more than 50 kWp by the eligible consumer at his cost.
Provided also that in case the eligible consumer is under the ambit of TOD Tariff, the meter compliant of recording time of day consumption/ generation shall be installed.
4. The provisions of meter rentals shall be governed as per the Schedule of General and Miscellaneous charges for Distribution and Transmission licensee, 2019 as amended from time to time.
5. It shall be the distribution licensee’s responsibility to satisfy itself regarding the accuracy of the meter(s) before it is installed and the distribution licensee shall ensure that the meters have been duly tested and accordingly certified before Installation.
6. In case of multiple rooftop solar plant within a premise, the Net Meter, Solar Meter and Gross Meter shall be installed at such locations in the premises or outside the premises of the eligible consumer or person as would enable easy and unhindered access to the distribution licensee’s representative for meter reading.
7. The installed meters shall be jointly inspected and sealed by the distribution licensee in the presence of the consumer as per the procedure laid down in HERC Electricity Supply Code 2014 as amended time to time.
8. The meter reading taken by the distribution licensee shall form the basis of billing and commercial settlement.
Energy Accounting — Net Metering/Gross Metering Arrangement in haryana
1. Energy Accounting: The energy accounting and settlement procedure for consumers installing and operating rooftop solar system under net metering/gross metering arrangement shall be as per the following procedure:
For Net Metering Haryana
a) Electricity generated from a rooftop solar system shall be cumulatively capped at 90% of the electricity consumption by the consumer at the end of settlement period which shall be the relevant financial year. In case solar power system is connected to the grid during part of the year, the 90% capping shall be on the electricity consumption from the date of connection (to the grid) to the end of the financial year. The carry forward of excess energy generation shall be allowed from one billing cycle to the next billing cycle up to the end of the same financial year. Any excess generation (above 90%) at the end of the financial year shall not be offset against the consumer’s consumption. There shall be no carry forward of excess energy to the next financial year.
b) The distribution licensee will provide the following details along with the electricity bill relating to each billing period:
i. Quantum of electricity injected into the distribution system by the rooftop solar system;
ii. Quantum of electricity supplied by the distribution licensee to the eligible consumer;
iii. Quantum of net electricity that has been billed for payment by the eligible consumer;
iv. Quantum of electricity credit available to the eligible consumer, which is to be carried over from the previous billing period;
c) In case the electricity injected by the rooftop solar system exceeds the electricity consumed during the billing period, such excess injected electricity shall be carried forward to the next billing period as electricity credit and may be utilized in the following billing periods but within the same settlement period;
d) In case the electricity supplied by the distribution licensee during any billing period exceeds the electricity injected in the grid by the eligible consumer’s rooftop solar system, the distribution licensee shall raise invoice for the net electricity consumption after taking into account any electricity credit balance remaining from the previous billing periods;
e) In case the eligible customer is under the ambit of time of day tariff, as determined by the Commission, the electricity consumption in any time block (e.g., peak hours, off-peak hours, etc.) shall be first compensated with the electricity injection in the same time block. Any excess injection over consumption in any time block in a billing cycle shall be carried forward to the corresponding time block in the subsequent month for adjustment purpose against energy supply at the lowest applicable Tariff across all the slots.
f) The excess injected electricity measured in kilowatt hour (kWh) shall only be utilized to offset the consumption measured in kWh and shall not be utilized to compensate any other fee and charges imposed by the distribution licensee;
g) The unadjusted net credited units of electricity shall be settled by the
distribution licensee at the end of settlement period. These unadjusted units shall lapse at the end of the settlement period and shall not be paid for by the distribution licensee;
2. In case, consumer is being billed on kVAh reading basis, then kVAh shall be computed for billing purpose as under:
i. Net Consumption (in kWh) = kWh (Import) – kWh (Export)
ii. Net Consumption (in kVAh) = Net Consumption (in kWh) divided by the power factor maintained by the consumer during corresponding billing period.
3. Regardless of availability of electricity credits with the eligible consumer during any billing period, the consumer will continue to pay applicable charges such as fixed/demand charges, Government levy, etc.
4. Monthly Minimum Charges (MMC), where applicable, shall continue to be related to total consumption of the consumer and not to the net consumption.
Besides Monthly Minimum Charges (MMC) or consumer tariff whichever is applicable, Distribution Licensee may also raise invoice for any other charges as allowed by the HERC from time to time including Electricity Duty (E.D), Municipal Tax (M.T) and Fuel Surcharge Adjustment (FSA), etc.
5. The distribution licensee shall continue to accept the solar power from the rooftop solar system installed by the consumers as per these Regulations as amended from time to time unless the solar power generator ceases to be a consumer of the licensee or the rooftop solar system is abandoned earlier.
6. In case, an eligible consumer leaves the system, such consumer’s unused credits for excess energy generated shall lapse and shall not be paid-for or adjusted in any other manner by the distribution licensee.
For Gross Metering: (Haryana)
i. Meter readings shall be taken as per the applicable billing cycle as provided in the HERC (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2014 and subsequent amendments thereof;
ii. The case of rooftop solar PV system under gross metering arrangement, the Licensee shall undertake energy accounting and settlement with the eligible consumer only who is also the signatory of the interconnection agreement with the Licensee.
iii. The energy accounting and settlement procedure for eligible consumers installing and operating rooftop solar PV system under gross metering arrangement shall be as per the following procedure:
a. For each billing period, the Licensee shall show the quantum of electricity (in kWh) injected by the rooftop solar PV system installed at the premises of the eligible consumer in the billing period.
b. The Distribution Licensee shall reimburse the eligible consumer for the quantum of injected electricity by the rooftop solar PV system during the billing period by way of ‘Solar Injection Compensation’.
Provided that the energy drawl by such eligible consumer/ prosumer and energy injected by them under gross metering arrangement shall be considered as two separate transaction and the payables for energy drawn by the prosumer shall not be set off against his receivable for export of power to the distribution licensee.
Provided further that for each unit (kWh) of energy generated and injected into the grid by eligible consumer/prosumer shall be paid by the DISCOMs at Rs. 3.11/- per kWh. The said rate has been determined by the Commission for the solar power projects setup/ to be setup in Haryana under PM Kusum Scheme wherein the cost of land/lease rental and higher O & M expenses are included. Further in the tariff discovered for solar energy through competitive bidding is continuously below Rs 3/- per unit. Nonetheless, given the high cost of land in Haryana including its limited availability, rooftop solar system can only drive the solarization in Haryana. Hence, the tariff shall be Rs. 3.11/- per unit for five year without any escalation despite market asymmetry. The Commission may revise/re- determine the tariff after a period of five year from the notification of these Regulations.
iv. Late payment surcharge on delayed payment of the Solar Injection Compensation shall be levied in the same manner as per the procedure laid down by the Commission in the relevant HERC (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations,2014 and subsequent amendments thereof;
Provided that such delayed payment surcharge shall also be payable to the eligible consumer in the same manner as per procedure specified for the consumer of the Licensee in the HERC (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations 2014 and subsequent amendments thereof;
v. There shall be no deemed generation charges for whatsoever reason including grid un-available payable to the eligible consumer or third-party owner of the solar rooftop system.
vi. The Distribution Licensee shall be responsible for billing of the electricity injected by the rooftop solar PV system into the distribution system. The bills prepared by the distribution license shall necessarily include the following:
a. Quantum of electricity injected into the distribution system by the rooftop solar PV system.
b. Quantum of Solar Injection Compensation payable by the Licensee.
Provided that the billing period and due date of the bills shall be the same as that of the eligible consumer in whose premises the solar system has been installed.
Provided also that Licensee shall reimburse the eligible consumer of the solar rooftop system, within the due date of the electricity bill of the consumer in whose premises the rooftop solar PV system has been installed.
Applicability of Other Charges for Net Metering – Haryana
The rooftop solar system commissioned under these Regulations, whether self- owned/third party owned installed in the premises, for the energy injected by them in the grid shall be exempted from all wheeling, cross subsidy, transmission and distribution, and banking charges and additional surcharges. However, statutory duties/cess, if applicable shall be payable.
Energy Accounting During Meter Defect/Failure/Burnt meter for Net Metering – Haryana
1. In case of defect/failure/burnt net meter/gross meter, the rooftop solar system owner shall report the failure to the distribution licensee in the specified format of distribution licensee.
2. The distribution licensee shall undertake necessary action and replace the meter as specified in the HERC (Electricity Supply Code) Regulations, 2014, and amendments thereof.
3. During the period the meter remained deed or defective, the distribution licensee may consider the energy generated by the rooftop solar for the solar energy generation benefits by considering 19% CUF.
Provided that the defective meter shall be replaced within the prescribed time period as mandated under HERC Supply Code Regulations, 2014 as amended from time to time.
Application Process and Procedure for Net Metering – Haryana
1. Filing of Application for Net Metering – Haryana
a) The eligible consumer (applicant) may either apply online on the distribution licensee website and/or HAREDA website (Format 1) or submit the application in the prescribed form in the concerned subdivision. The application shall be accompanied with non-refundable processing fee of Rs. One thousand.
b) An applicant that is a Trust/Committee/Housing Society/ Partnership Firm/ Company etc. shall submit the Application Form (Format 1) along with an Authorization Certificate (Format 1(a)).
c) The applicant shall receive an acknowledgement email/short message service (SMS) on submission of the application. The acknowledgement email/SMS shall provide a unique registration number assigned to each applicant for future correspondence. (Format 1(b)).
d) The distribution licensee shall maintain a separate Application Register for net metering/gross metering applicants (manual or online) for reference and records.
2. Application Processing for Net Metering – Haryana
a) After submission of the application, complete in all aspect by the consumer, the distribution licensee shall undertake technical feasibility within 15 days of the date of acknowledgement issued to the applicant.
b) The designated officer of distribution licensee shall undertake feasibility check (Form A) and submit the same to the Executive Engineer of the respective division.
c) If the proposal is found technical feasible, the distribution licensee shall approve the application and intimate the same to the applicant by issuing
Letter of Approval (LoA) (Format 2) via email/SMS/post within 22 days from the issuance of acknowledgement of the application.
Provided that for the proposed system size equal to or less than 5 kWp, technical feasibility approval shall be provided to the applicant within ten days, from the date of application, by the distribution licensee.
d) In case any deficiencies are found in the application, on account of rooftop system capacity and available D.T. Loading as specified in these Regulations, during technical feasibility study, the same shall be intimated by the distribution licensee to the applicant via Format 2(a) through email/SMS notification within 15 days from the date of issuance of acknowledgement of application and within 5 days for proposed system capacity equal to or less than 5 kWp
e) The applicant shall remove all identified deficiencies within a period of 15 days from the receipt of intimation (Format 2(a)) and intimate the distribution licensee about the resolution of deficiencies (Format 2(b)) through email/post. Provided that the DISCOM shall assess the resolution of deficiencies and provide Letter of Approval (LoA) (Format 2) to the applicant upon satisfaction. In case deficiencies are not removed in the said period, the application shall stand cancelled.
f) In case the proposal is not found technically feasible, the same shall be intimated to the applicant vide Format 2(c) within 22 days from the issuance of the acknowledgement of application.
3. Approval for Installation for Net Metering – Haryana
a) The applicant shall install rooftop solar system within 180 days from the receipt of LoA (Format 2), as per the Standards/Codes specified under these Regulations.
b) The aforesaid duration of 180 days is the maximum permissible time allowed to the applicant for installation of rooftop solar, unless an extension is sought in writing and allowed by the distribution licensee. However, in case no extension is sought/allowed, the LoA shall become null and void. Further time period covered under forced majeure conditions shall be dealt accordingly. However, the applicant shall be at liberty to complete the installation process before this period and approach the distribution licensee to initiate subsequent steps.
4. Signing of Agreement
a) The applicant shall submit duly filled and signed net metering/gross metering agreement using Format 3 to the distribution licensee(s) within 30 days of the date of issuance of LoA.
b) The agreement shall be then signed by the distribution licensee within three days of receipt of duly filled net metering/gross metering agreement from the applicant
Procurement of Meters for Net Metering – Haryana
a) In case the applicant intends to procure meter from the distribution licensee, the applicant shall submit the Intimation Form (Format 4) along with an appropriate procurement fee to the distribution licensee. This shall be intimated to the distribution licensee at least 30 days prior to the expected date of submission of Work Completion Report (Format 5).
b) In case the applicant intends to procure meter on its own, the applicant shall submit the procured meter along with a safety certificate and request form for testing of meter (Format 4(a)) to the distribution licensee/test centers approved by the distribution licensee, at least 30 days prior to the expected date of submission of Work Completion Report (Format 5).
Provided that the consumer shall procure meter from the empaneled vendor of the Distribution Licensee.
c) The distribution licensee/test centers shall intimate the applicant (Format 4(b)) regarding the completion of the meter testing and the results thereto.
Work Completion and Commissioning for Read more about the eligibility ,installation, Measuring, Synchronization and Connectivity Request about Net Metering in Assam
a) For system size greater than 20 kWp:
i. The applicant/eligible consumer shall submit the Work Completion Report (Format 5) to the office of Directorate of Electrical Safety, Government of Haryana/ authorized person as per guidelines/ instructions issued by the Chief Electrical Inspector, Haryana as per applicability. In case the consumer is availing subsidy, the work completion report is also to be shared with the DISCOM.
ii. The appropriate authority, as specified above, shall undertake system inspection and safety checks, as per applicable practices, within seven days of submission of work completion report and issue safety certificate.
Provided that in case the Work Completion Report is not satisfactory, the applicant shall resolve the discrepancies within seven days of receiving the intimation from the appropriate authority, and resubmit the Work Completion Report.
iii. The distribution licensee shall synchronize the system with the distribution grid post verification of the Work Completion Report, install meters, issue letter of synchronization, and Date of Commissioning (COD) (Format 7) to the applicant.
b) For system size less than 20 kWp:
i. The applicant shall submit the Work Completion Report (Format 5) to the distribution licensee. In case the consumer is availing subsidy, the work completion report is also to be shared with DISCOM.
ii. The distribution licensee shall undertake system inspection and safety checks, as per applicable practices, within seven days of submission of work completion report and undertake system synchronization.
iii. Provided that in case the Work Completion Report is not satisfactory, the applicant shall resolve the discrepancies within seven days of receiving the intimation from the appropriate authority, and resubmit the Work Completion Report.
iv. The distribution licensee shall synchronize the system with the distribution grid post verification of the Work Completion Report, install meters, issue letter of synchronization, and Date of Commissioning (COD) (Format 7) to the applicant.
Subsidy/Central Finance Assistance (CFA):
DISCOM shall develop process for delivery of CFA to the applicable consumer as per provisions of guidelines of MNRE with regard to installation of grid connected roof top solar system in-vogue within three months of notification of these Regulations, if the same is not put in place earlier and the applicable consumer may approach it to avail CFA accordingly.
Renewable Purchase Obligations for Net Metering – Haryana
The quantum of electricity consumed by eligible consumer, who is not an obligated entity, from the rooftop solar system under net metering/gross metering arrangement shall qualify towards compliance of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) for the distribution licensee.
Power to Give Directions for Net Metering – Haryana
Provided that any energy consumed by the obligated entities from rooftop solar over and above of its RPO shall also accounts towards the RPO of the DISCOMs.
The Commission may, from time to time, issue such directions and orders as considered appropriate for implementation of these Regulations.
Power to Remove Difficulties for Net Metering – Haryana
If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of these Regulations, the Commission may, by an Order, make such provisions, not inconsistent to the provision of the Act and these Regulations, as may appear to be necessary for removing the difficulty.
Power to Relax for Net Metering – Haryana
The Commission may by general or special order, for reasons to be recorded in writing and after giving an opportunity of hearing to the parties likely to be affected, may relax any of the provisions of these Regulations.
Power to Amend for Net Metering – Haryana
The Commission may from time to time add, vary, alter, suspend, modify, amend or repeal any provisions of these Regulations after following the due process.
Repeal and Savings for Net Metering – Haryana
Save as otherwise provided in these Regulations, the HERC (Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive System Based on Net Metering) Regulations, 2019 is hereby repealed.
Provided that the existing net metering arrangements setup under the provisions
of the HERC (Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive System Based on Net Metering) Regulations, 2019 shall continue to be governed by the aforesaid Regulations.
Please find the link to the official document released by the Government of Haryana :